Thursday, December 13, 2007

Iphone knockoff

Now usually knockoff products are really awful, however the cect p168 is a surprisingly good and cheap alternative to the pricey 400+ dollar iphone. The phone works with just about every American and Canadian service (just as long as the phone is tri or quadband , and you dont use verizon) the major difference is that the screen doesn't work 100% as well as the iphone, and that it does not feature wi-fi. But other then that it seems to do just about everything a iphone can and thing that it cant (it can take pictures and video, though the camera is 1.3 megapixels it is still pretty nice) The phone can range from about 150-180 depending on who you buy from. I find that DealExtreme is a good place to buy it, it will only cost about 159 and you will get a warranty on the phone, which is a very good thing to have for a product like this.

Here is a video that goes through some of the stuff it can do.

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